Homebased Processing

Homebased Processing
The homebased processing regulation 902 KAR 45:090 has been finalized. As a result of the passage of HB 263 (the Home Baker Law), KRS 217.0156(56) was amended to remove the requirement that homebased processors be a farmer, or grow something in the products they manufacture. It also expanded the locations where homebased processors can sell their products. The definition of a homebased processor can be found in KRS 217.0156.
A homebased processor “means a person who in his or her home, produces or processes whole fruit and vegetables, mixed greens, jams, jellies, sweet sorghum syrup, preserves, fruit butter, bread, fruit pies, cakes or cookies.” Homebased processors may sell their products directly to consumers within the state of Kentucky. This includes from their home whether by pick-up or delivery, at a farmers market, flea market, community event, fair, festival, and online. Homebased processor products may not be sold to restaurants, grocery stores, or wholesale distributors.
There is no water source requirement for homebased processors. There is no registration process or fee associated with being a homebased processor.
There are additional labeling requirements for homebased processors. Homebased processors must now identify allergens on their labels. The bulleted items are required on homebased processed products.
- The name and address of the homebased processing operation
- The common or usual name of the food product
- The ingredients of the food product, in descending order of predominance by weight
- The net weight and volume of the food product by standard measure or numerical count
- The following statement in ten (10) point type: “This product is home produced and processed.”
- The date the product was processed
- Allergen information as specified by federal labeling requirements
The following items are allowed to be manufactured by homebased processors
- Dried fruits and vegetables
- Mixed greens (this does not mean washed and bagged ready to eat salad mixes)
- Fruit jams, fruit jellies, fruit butters, and fruit preserves made with sugar (this does not include low sugar or no sugar versions)
- Sweet sorghum syrup
- Breads
- Cakes
- Cookies
- Fruit pies
The following items are not allowed to be manufactured by homebased processors
- Candy
- Fudge
- Bourbon balls
- Dried spices
- Dried herbs
- Nuts
- Pecan pies, sweet potato pies, pumpkins pies
- Washed and bagged ready to eat salad mixes