Nutrition Education Program

Nutrition Education Program

Nutrition Education Program

The Kentucky Nutrition Education Program (KYNEP) encompass two separate USDA programs: The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP), and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP-Ed). Both programs are administered by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, and target low income families and individuals with nutrition education.

What is the goal of NEP?

The goal of the Oldham County Nutrition Education Program (NEP) is to educate limited resource families with young children and SNAP eligible individuals to plan nutritious meals on a limited budget, acquire safe food handling practices, improve food preparation skills and change behavior necessary to have a healthy lifestyle.

Nutrition education programs for both adults and youth are offered in a variety of locations throughout the county. 

For additional information on SNAP and NEP programs, please contact the Extension office at (502) 222-9453 and speak with Heather Toombs or Sherry Ragsdale.

Oldham County NEP Partners

Crossroads Pregnancy Resource Center, HighPoint Charities/Grace Resource Center, Grace & Glory Lutheran Church's food pantry: Bread of Life, and Oldham County Headstart

Plan Eat Move Recipes

Recipes available through the University of Kentucky NEP program.

Plan Eat Move