4-H Camp

4-H Camp

4-H Camp

Oldham County 4-H camps at the Lake Cumberland 4-H Camping Center in Nancy, KY. Camping dates for 2025 are June 23-27. We hope to see you there!

Oldham County Parents!

We depend on parents of 4-H campers to attend camp, teach classes, and serve as adult cabin leaders. Adults pay no fees to attend camp. The first 20 leaders to volunteer will receive a $100 discount on one child's camp fee. The maximum number of campers we can take is based on the number of beds at camp. However, we can only take as many campers as we have adult volunteers to fill each of the cabins. As a volunteer, you will attend classes with campers, join in all the fun, and be responsible for keeping your group safe and happy. Training is provided for camp leaders. If you would be interested in serving as an adult cabin leader, please contact Kelly Woods at (502) 222-9453 or by email: kwoods@uky.edu.

Teens and Counselor's-In-Training!

We depend on our CIT and Teen volunteers to assist campers and adult volunteers with all activities and cabin life at camp. Our Counselor's-In-Training (CIT's) are youth ages 14 & 15 years old. Our Teens are youth ages 16 & 17 years old. They will be responsible for moving campers around the camp, leading songs or games to entertain campers and boost cabin morale, assist with teaching classes, and join in all the camp fun! Applications will be available soon, but date is still TBD. Availability is limited. Interviews will follow applications, and orientations are required to be attended for those accepted as volunteers. To volunteer, contact Amy Logsdon at (502) 222-9453 or by email: amy.logsdon@uky.edu 



Pre-Registration forms will be available here on February 10, 2025. Please check back on that date to print a form. Please submit forms in person or by mail.